2023 Ice Cream Social
Every year, we take the opportunity to show our members, their employees and families our appreciation for them. July's networking event is an ice cream social instead of a coffee. Join us for dinner, ice cream and a great time! The event is hosted at the Chamber. All of our members, their employees and their families are welcome to join us. You just need an RSVP (one for each person) and please sign up to bring some ice cream or toppings! Sign Up To Bring Ice Cream
This event also serves as a meet & greet for City officials, Reidsville Chamber Board Members and Ambassadors. So come out and join us as we celebrate and get to know each other better!
Thank you to our naming sponsor, Liberty Tax of Reidsville.
What can you bring to the Ice Cream Social Meet & Greet? Let us know here.

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
4:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
You MUST RSVP by Tuesday, July 11th
Free for all Chamber-member employees & their families!
Contact Information
(336) 349-8481
Send Email